Lets publish a simple demo public NuGet package to get the feel of how to get it done

Visual Studio 2022
Dotnet 7 Runtime

As a sample package to publish, we would create a logger package that can log both custom way and using the Microsoft Logging Extension ILogger logging.

Lets create a new Class Library using Visual Studio

The solution would like this:

With the Logger class and implementations:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace DemoPackage
    public class Logger<T>
        public void LogInformation(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1} information logged to console from DemoLogger",typeof(T), message);
        public void LogDebug(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1} debug logged to console from DemoLogger", typeof(T), message);
    public interface IDemoLoggerFactory
        public Logger<T> CreateCustomLogger<T>();
        public ILogger<T> CreateILogger<T>();
    public class DemoLoggerFactory : IDemoLoggerFactory

        public Logger<T> CreateCustomLogger<T>()
            return new Logger<T>();

        public ILogger<T> CreateILogger<T>()
            var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(configure => configure.AddConsole());
            var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<T>();
            return logger;


It’s packing time…
First right click the project and select the properties.

Then click on the package tab on the left pane and update all the values including the PackageId, Title, PackageVersion, Author etc.


After saving again right click on the project and pack it into binary.


It will generate the binary files as shown.


Now its time to publish the package to the Nuget repository.

If you don’t have an account at nuget.org, you can create one for free and login to your account.

Once logged in, click the Upload tab and browse to the binary we have built and packed in the last step and upload it.


Now if you go to the nuget public packages, in your Manage Nuget Packages, you will find the NuGet package published and ready to be consumed in your projects.

We will try to consume the same package we created in the upcoming blog for Logging in Console app….

Happy coding….