We will look at how to create a gRpc service that connects to a sql database and perform the CRUD operations on it

Visual Studio 2022
Dotnet 7 Runtime

Lets create a new gRpc service project using Visual Studio

The solution would like this:

By default, gRPC uses Protocol Buffers, Google’s mature open source mechanism for serializing structured data (although it can be used with other data formats such as JSON). Here’s a quick intro to how it works.

So we have to create a products.proto file that defines the gRpc serviceProductsService with the data structure for exchanging product data between the clients(we will create the clients later).

The proto file would look like this.

syntax = "proto3";

option csharp_namespace = "GrpcService1";
package products;
service ProductsService {
    rpc GetAll(Empty) returns(Products);
    rpc GetById(ProductRowIdFilter) returns(Product);
    rpc Post(Product) returns(Product);
    rpc Put(Product) returns(Product);
    rpc Delete(ProductRowIdFilter) returns(Empty);
message Empty {}
message Product {
    int32 ProductRowId = 1;
    string ProductId = 2;
    string ProductName = 3;
    string CategoryName = 4;
    string Manufacturer = 5;
    int32 Price = 6;
message ProductRowIdFilter {
    int32 ProductRowId = 1;
message Products {
    repeated Product items = 1;

We have to include the package reference for

 <PackageReference Include="Grpc.AspNetCore" Version="2.49.0" />

and include the Protobuf in the ItemGroup tag

    <Protobuf Include="Protos\greet.proto" GrpcServices="Server" />
    <Protobuf Include="Protos\products.proto" GrpcServices="Server" />

Now build the project and right click the products.proto file and check the properties shows: image

Now we have to get ready with our DbContext and Models to interact with our sql server. We are going to use the Databse First approach and use EntityFramework Core as the ORM.

So get ready with package references as the normal practice.

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="7.0.4" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.4">
 <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="7.0.4" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Design" Version="1.1.6" />
    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools" Version="7.0.4">

We are using the local db for simplicity and going to run the SQL script as follows on the localdb using SSMS.

Create Database Blazor
USE [Blazor]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[products]
     [productrowid] [INT] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
     [productid]    [VARCHAR](20) NOT NULL,
     [productname]  [VARCHAR](200) NOT NULL,
     [categoryname] [VARCHAR](200) NOT NULL,
     [manufacturer] [VARCHAR](200) NOT NULL,
     [price]        [INT] NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [productrowid] ASC )WITH (pad_index = OFF,
     statistics_norecompute = OFF, ignore_dup_key = OFF, allow_row_locks = on,
     allow_page_locks = on, optimize_for_sequential_key = OFF) ON [PRIMARY],
     UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [productid] ASC )WITH (pad_index = OFF,
     statistics_norecompute = OFF, ignore_dup_key = OFF, allow_row_locks = on,
     allow_page_locks = on, optimize_for_sequential_key = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]

Its time to run some dotnet-ef commands in the terminal to create our DbContext and Models with Db-First approach.

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 7.0.4
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Blazor;Integrated Security=SSPI;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models

Please make sure to run the commands from the folder with the project file.

If everything goes well you will now see your Models and BlazorContext in the a folder Models. image

Now in the Services folder add a new class file and name it as ProductsAppService.cs.

Here is the full code of the “ProductsAppService.cs” class

using Grpc.Core;
using GrpcService;
using GrpcService.Models;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static GrpcService.ProductsService;
namespace GrpcService.Services
    public class ProductsAppService : ProductsServiceBase
        public BlazorContext dbContext;
        public ProductsAppService(BlazorContext DBContext)
            dbContext = DBContext;
        #region GetAll
        public override Task<Products> GetAll(Empty request, ServerCallContext context)
            Products response = new Products();
            var products = from prd in dbContext.Products
                           select new Product()
                               ProductRowId = prd.ProductRowId,
                               ProductId = prd.ProductId,
                               ProductName = prd.ProductName,
                               CategoryName = prd.CategoryName,
                               Manufacturer = prd.Manufacturer,
                               Price = prd.Price
            return Task.FromResult(response);
        #region GetById
        public override Task<Product> GetById(ProductRowIdFilter request, ServerCallContext context)
            var product = dbContext.Products.Find(request.ProductRowId);
            var searchedProduct = new Product()
                ProductRowId = product.ProductRowId,
                ProductId = product.ProductId,
                ProductName = product.ProductName,
                CategoryName = product.CategoryName,
                Manufacturer = product.Manufacturer,
                Price = product.Price
            return Task.FromResult(searchedProduct);
        #region PostInsert
        public override Task<Product> Post(Product request, ServerCallContext context)
            var prdAdded = new Models.Product()
                ProductId = request.ProductId,
                ProductName = request.ProductName,
                CategoryName = request.CategoryName,
                Manufacturer = request.Manufacturer,
                Price = request.Price
            var res = dbContext.Products.Add(prdAdded);
            var response = new Product()
                ProductRowId = res.Entity.ProductRowId,
                ProductId = res.Entity.ProductId,
                ProductName = res.Entity.ProductName,
                CategoryName = res.Entity.CategoryName,
                Manufacturer = res.Entity.Manufacturer,
                Price = res.Entity.Price
            return Task.FromResult<Product>(response);
        #region PUTUPDATE
        public override Task<Product> Put(Product request, ServerCallContext context)
            Models.Product prd = dbContext.Products.Find(request.ProductRowId);
            if (prd == null)
                return Task.FromResult<Product>(null);
            prd.ProductRowId = request.ProductRowId;
            prd.ProductId = request.ProductId;
            prd.ProductName = request.ProductName;
            prd.CategoryName = request.CategoryName;
            prd.Manufacturer = request.Manufacturer;
            prd.Price = request.Price;
            return Task.FromResult<Product>(new Product()
                ProductRowId = prd.ProductRowId,
                ProductId = prd.ProductId,
                ProductName = prd.ProductName,
                CategoryName = prd.CategoryName,
                Manufacturer = prd.Manufacturer,
                Price = prd.Price
        #region DELETE
        public override Task<Empty> Delete(ProductRowIdFilter request, ServerCallContext context)
            Models.Product prd = dbContext.Products.Find(request.ProductRowId);
            if (prd == null)
                return Task.FromResult<Empty>(null);
            return Task.FromResult<Empty>(new Empty());

As a final step register your gRPC service endpoints and dbContext in the Program.cs



Start your application. If you did everything right you would be welcomed with a console of a gRPC service hosted successfully. image

This blog post is inspired by the great article in C# Corner by Shirsendu Nandi. But the post is old that the Protobuf library is not working as explained in the post. That is why this post.

We will continue consuming the gRPC service with the gRPC client in the coming blog…..

Happy coding….